December 16-17 2023, Athens, Greece
Welcome to the official website of the International Conference on Business Intelligence and Modelling. The conference is to be held in Athens, Greece during December 16-17 2023. The conference aims to promote the knowledge and the development of high-quality research in Business Intelligence and Modelling fields that have to do with the applications of other scientific fields and the modern technological trends that appear in them, these fields being those of Business Intelligence, Simulation Modelling, Business Informatics, Business Modelling, etc.
All Conference related actions (submission, registration etc) are performed on-line by creating an account. After that, authors can login and have access to a number of tools for submitting a paper, proposing for a workshop, registering, send requests, manage their reviews etc.
The International Conference on Business Intelligence & Modelling keynote and invited speakers have been announced. Details about the keynote and invited speakers can be found here
During the 6th International Conference on Business Intelligence & Modelling a special event named “Meet the Editors”, will be organized. During this event, invited editors from various scientific journals will make a presentation and have a round-table discussion with the participants.
Some of the main topics of the IC-BIM are:
- Business Intelligence
- Simulation Administration
- Business Informatics
- Business Management
- Business Modelling
- etc
A detailed list of Conference topics are listed here
Important Dates
- Abstract submission: Wednesday, 01 November 2023
- Abstract acceptance: Sunday, 05 November 2023
- Early registration: Wednesday, 01 November 2023
- Paper submission: Friday, 10 November 2023
- Paper acceptance: Friday, 10 November 2023
Details about deadlines can be found here
Registration is performed either on-line or on-site.
Registered delegates will have access to all technical sessions and free access to the conference proceedings.
Registration fees can be paid on-line, by bank transfer or on site.
Information about registration can be found here
All papers submitted to the IC-BIM will pass a two-stage single-blinded peer review process. Accepted papers will be published in Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics.
Business and Economics Book Series included in Scopus database.
Details about the proceedings and special issue journals can be found here
- MS-WORD paper template. Prepare your submission with MS-WORD or OpenOffice using this template.
- LaTeX paper template. Prepare your submission using LaTeX using this template.
- CTP_Business Intelligence
More downloads are available here
Conference Room
Information about how to enter the online Conference room can be found here.
Invited Speakers
Associate Professor, PhD, Universitat Jaume I
PhD, Intercultural coach and trainer
Associate Professor, PhD, National research University Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Business and Management. Head of Teaching and Learning Office.
SIETAR Russia President
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